Bill Upgrading FedPoly Ilaro To Varsity Scales Through Second Reading In Senate - EDU-BIZNEWS


Friday, December 4, 2020

Bill Upgrading FedPoly Ilaro To Varsity Scales Through Second Reading In Senate

The Senate Chamber of the National Assembly is strongly considering a  bill seeking to upgrade Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro into a Federal University of Technology.

The bill scaled through second reading during the Senate plenary on Thursday.

Senator Solomon Adeola from Lagos State had earlier sponsored the same bill which failed to pass beyond the first reading stage in the 8th Senate . 

The Senator with Senator Tolu Odebiyi, who is representing Ogun West Senatorial District are now joint sponsors of the new bill which is receiving serious attention from the senators in the Senate.

Adeola who led the debate for the second reading, stressed the need for  the establishment of the university, following the expansion and development of the polytechnic established more than 40 years ago.

 The institution according to him, has ample latitude for massive expansion in terms of space because it is located in a semi urban cum rural setting of Ilaro.

 “It is worthy of note that the Polytechnic has many infrastructural facilities, which many state owned and privately owned universities cannot boast of," Adeola stated .

He added that these state and newly established federal universities had been granted accreditation by the National University Commission to run degree courses as full- fledged universities.  

“Ironically those state and newly established federal universities have today been granted National University Commission Accreditation and are running courses as full-fledged universities” he argued.”

All  the senators during the plenary supported  the second reading of the bill  including Odebiyi and Senator Bamidele Opeyemi (Ekiti Central).

The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, later refered the bill to the Senate Committee on Tertiary Institution to carry out further legislative action on it.

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