YabaTech, Lagos Govt To Sign A Pact On Training Of Girl-Child On Computer, GSM-Phone Repairs - EDU-BIZNEWS


Saturday, December 14, 2024

YabaTech, Lagos Govt To Sign A Pact On Training Of Girl-Child On Computer, GSM-Phone Repairs

Yaba College of Technology is to sign a pact with Lagos State Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation (WAPA) to promote the training of girl child on Mobile App development, Web Application Development, Computers Repairs and GSM and Phone Repairs. 

The training designed to promote girl-child education in Lagos State will run through the college’s All Girls’ Tech Hub of the Girls Education Skills Partnership (GESP) for a period of three months with certification of the National Skill Qualification (NSQ), globally recognized training programme centre 

Rector of the Nigeria's premier tertiary institution , Dr. (Engr.) Ibraheem Abdul revealed this during a courtesy visit  to the office of the State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Honourable Cecilia Bolaji Dada.     

Dr. Abdul, while addressing the commissioner and her directors, says the College has been yearning before now, and it became more intense when the Commissioner came to the institution for the launching of GESP, knowing fully well that partnership with her ministry would be highly beneficial. 

“We deem it fit to bring to your door step the good tidings of some of our very rich programmes, in order to form a functional collaboration with the Ministry and brew a symbiotic relationship with the college in projecting the ideals of the Ministry, and working with it to achieve its goals which are aligned with our own goals as well”, he stated 

“We have with us a population of professional women who are qualified as skilled and can contribute in many ways to the skills acquisition programme of the Ministry. As a tertiary institution, our mandate is not only in teaching, learning and research but also in community development, and we take a lot of effort in doing this, we have participated in so many poverty alleviation programs in order to give people sustainable livelihood”, he added 

He lauded the ministry for embracing skill acquisition training as one of the major ways of alleviating poverty which according to him, is what YABATECH is doing in the area of skill empowerment having collaboration with developing partners in many ways to develop skills training that will enhance sustainable livelihood

He was full of appreciation for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in Canada whose partnership has assisted the institution to develop programmes for skill training in key areas that have greatly help in emancipating Nigerian youths. 

“Having developed this skilled training we now looked for partners with which we can impact the training, taking cognizance that the skills training is very expensive, apart from that it is not yet subsidized, and if we are to be charging the intending learners it is going to be very exorbitant, that is why we are keen to have a collaboration with developing partners to offset the cost”.

 “One of the College partners, the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) generation unlimited and United Kingdom Foreign Development Organization gave the institution opportunity to train 5,000 girls on Information Technology (ICT) skills without charging them anything, and we are looking for girls to train in Mobile App development, Web Application Development, Computers Repairs and GSM & Phone Repairs, we will be glad to have girls from Lagos State through the ministry that will be beneficiary of this training. We have our hub called All Girls Tech Hub in which-they are also enjoying the training in collaboration with Computer Village, the Rector further stated 

YABATECH according to him, has a very big work-based learning Centre in Computer Village sponsored by Tertiary Institution Trust Fund (TETFund), having established partnership with Mastercraft in Computer Village, to train the learners”.

He revealed that the current partnership with UNICEF can train a certain number of girls, stressing the need for further partnership to sustain the quality of the skill acquisition training 

He assured that some of the College staff would be available for community service under the partnership with the Ministry 

On gender pedagogy, the Rector maintained that the college being gender sensitive,had trained  teachers who have  enough capacity to deliver, as part of strategic moves to eliminate gender bias in training. 

Dr. Abdul who called for the exposure of Lagos teachers in the state to the training, 
also revealed that the institution was partnering with INASP in United Kingdom on gender responsive pedagogy in training in Nigeria, and 

He emphasised the importance of the college partnership with Lagos State being the Centre of Excellence, saying the training is committed to inculcating gender sensitiveness in teaching and learning in Lagos State schools.

In her response, the State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation expressed satisfaction with facilities on ground during her visit to the college when the Girl’s Tech Hub was launched on the main campus of the institution 

She assured YabaTech of symbiotic relationship with the Lagos State Government 

 was very elated to receive the YABATECH team in her office and disclosed that she was very impre

The Ministry, she hinted, is capable of supplying five thousand (5,000) girls for the training in YABATECH, having 19 skills acquisition Centres under the Ministry, where various skills and vocations are being taught.

"This year, over 5,000 learners were graduated, and the skills that YABATECH came to propagate are not part of the skills being taught in the Ministry; therefore, the ministry will be happy to collaborate with the College for the three months training", Dada assured 

The Commissioner promised to advertise the programme in collaboration with YABATECH to create the necessary awareness in the state for the girl-child to seize the ample opportunity.

 Hon. Dada also assured the volunteered staff of of YABATECH committed to community service, of  regular invitation to serve as facilitators during the programmes of the Ministry where they will be remunerated.

She applauded YABATECH for the gender bias elimination initiatives and promised that the 350 instructors of the Ministry will be available for the training on eliminating gender bias.

The GESP Project Manager, Dr. Funmilayo Doherty, highlighted that the training can be for both physical and virtual as there are 3,500 spaces, strictly for online learners. 

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