MAPOLY Lecturers Begin Indefinite Strike Over Non Payment Of 35% Salary Increments, Other Demands - EDU-BIZNEWS


Friday, May 10, 2024

MAPOLY Lecturers Begin Indefinite Strike Over Non Payment Of 35% Salary Increments, Other Demands

Lecturers at the  Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Chapter, have embarked on indefinite strike action to compel management of the Ogun State Government owned tertiary institution to respond their demands including  full implementation of 35 and 25 percent salary increments for workers  as approved by the government.

The Branch Chairman of Academic Staff Union Of Polytechnics(ASUP), Mr. Adegunle Tomisi had earlier in an interview with Edu-Biznews on Tuesday,  threatened that the union would mobilize its members for the industrial action, if the management failed to address the demands after expiration of fresh ultimatum which expired on Friday, 10th of May

It will be recalled that the meeting between  management and ASUP alongside other workers' unions, held last Monday 6th of May ended up in a deadlock, prompting the union to put on hold the intended strike till this Friday which ought to have begun on last Tuesday , so as to give more time for the Institution to begin implementation of the workers' demands 

ASUP had earlier issued a 7-day ultimatum to the institution's management to fully implement the 35 and 25 percent salary increments for workers of the institution in a communique issued by the union at the end of its Congress on the 29th of April, 2024 

The ASUP Chairman of the polytechnic,  in the communique issued on Monday, April 29, in Abeokuta, warned that  the Union would resume the suspended industrial action immediately at the expiration of the notice. 

The striking lecturers are demanding 
 for domestication of the approved 35% and 25% salary increment for the staff of MAPOLY, payment of a minimum of four (4) Semesters out of the six (6) outstanding Semesters Part-Time claims/allowances.

They are calling for Immediate roll-out of APER forms of 2021/2022 for processing, immediately completion and release of 2020/2021 promotion letters and accompanying appointments, as well as immediately conclusion and release of the delayed Conversion, Upgrading and Regularisation list.

"Also, immidiate payment of arrears of earned allowances on the 2020 staff promotions and immediate conclusion of the 2019/2020 appointment exercise of the institution."

The Union in its resolution reiterated its objection to the Management's retrogressive staff career progression stance and requested the full implementation of promotion exercise of the MAPOLY 

The Union directed the Management to immediately release its check-off dues and other deductions already made from staff monthly salaries, noting that it was disturbing the attempt by the management to tacitly undermine the potency of the Union by deliberately withholding its dues.

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