Oyo Agency Warns Residents To Take Flood Early Alert Seriously - EDU-BIZNEWS


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Oyo Agency Warns Residents To Take Flood Early Alert Seriously

Oyo State Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (Oyonewmap) has cautioned residents against overlooking the early warning messages, as its officials embark on sensitization exercise in the state.

The Project Coordinator of the agency , Mr.Tayo Ayoade who issued the warning, said it would embark on advocacy and sensitization programme on Early Warning and Action on flood hazards throughout the State.

Ayoade who was speaking at news conference  during the week in Ibadan, the State capital, explained that the advocacy and sensitization targeted at all the stakeholders in 33 Local Government Areas would hold in six(6) zones across the State.

"Oyonewmap has improved its information-gathering and dissemination so it can play a stronger early warning role", he said.

According to him, the advocacy and sensitization programme will hold between 16th -24th April, 2024 in Iseyin,  Ogbomoso, Ibarapa, Oyo Saki and Ibadan.

He noted that the programme became necessary in order to sensitize the residents of Oyo State on steps that can be taken to avert flood disaster.

Ayoade therefore appealed to residents to imbibe the culture of safety and engage in environmental friendly practices/activities as well ensure that their wastes are properly disposed to avert flooding and erosion 

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