Food Security :Ogun Environment Commissioner Charges Stakeholders On Proper Pest Control - EDU-BIZNEWS


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Food Security :Ogun Environment Commissioner Charges Stakeholders On Proper Pest Control

Stakeholders within the value chain in the agriculture sector have been charged on the need to ensure proper pest control on all agricultural produce both during production and storage stages, if 
Nigeria must actualize its target of attaining food security 

The State Ogun Commissioner for Environment, Mr Ola Oresanya gave the charge while declaring open a one- Day workshop with the theme "Modern Pest Management Practice in Enviromental Health" put together by the Ogun State Ministry of Environment in conjunction with the Pest Control Association of Nigeria PECAN. 

He said until all the stakeholders put their heads together to fashion out  acceptable pest control mechanism that will take into consideration our cultural and environmental health values,it will be difficult for  the country to attain food  security as pests attack will continue to have devastating effects on our agricultural output as thereby reducing the tonnage of food available thereby resulting in food unavailability and security. 

Oresanya therefore recommended the use of biological pest control instead of the presently popular chemical pest control as they have risks inherent in their importation and application.

According to him, prior to the advent of chemicals, there were ways God created biological control through ecological balance where plants are used to control pests infestation which he said are not only natural but safe.

Oresanya therefore urged participants to further study nature and exploit the eco-balance for  effective pest control rather than relying on chemicals whose quality are sometimes doubtful and their applications subjective.  

While describing Pest Control Association Of Nigeria PECAN which launched its Ogun state chapter during the workshop as key in environmental health management of any nation, Oresanya charged members to purge themselves of quakery as their assignment are not only knowledge-based but competency-related as any slip from them can be fatal  to the society.

Responding,the National President of PECAN, Olakunle Williams commended the Ogun state  government for hosting the workshop saying it would go a long way in safeguarding public and environmental health while Dr Olusegun Ogunyanwo in his presentation titled "People and Environment"said the regular collaboration between government, regulatory bodies and associations would ensure improvement and effectiveness of pest control regulations which would have salutory effects on environmental health of the populace as well as food security of the nation.

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