NASU Boss Worries Over Stagnancy In Ogun TESCOM...Appeals To Abiodun To Break Level 14 Barriers In Service - EDU-BIZNEWS


Sunday, March 17, 2024

NASU Boss Worries Over Stagnancy In Ogun TESCOM...Appeals To Abiodun To Break Level 14 Barriers In Service

Chairman of the Ogun State Chapter of 
Non Academic Staff Union (NASU) Schools and Colleges,Comrade Oduneye Olumide has expressed concern over the continuous career stagnation of members of the union in the State Teaching Service Commission, appealing to Governor Dapo Abiodun to break the level 14 stagnancy in the service

Comrade Oduneye making the appeal during an interview with newsmen in his office in Abeokuta , says their counterpart in other State of the Federation attained Level 17 before their retirement in public service 

The Chairman who was giving account of his stewardship to members on achievements recorded so far in the past one year, said some of  their colleagues from other South West States  have been enjoying career progression without stagnation 

He added  that, executive officers in the Judiciary and other NASU members in Ogun State SUBEB are  getting to level 16, wondering if it is a crime for  members of the union to choose a career path in the State Teaching Service Commission.

He said part of the achievement under his leadership includes a blocs meeting on assumption of office with the hope to sustain it, which afforded the leadership to get effective feedback from all members.

Comrade, said  his administration was able to hold general meeting of members in all four blocs of the state due to low turn out usually been recorded whenever such meeting is called centrally, adding that, it has  afforded the leadership from the Four blocs  to get feedbacks from members

He added that within a year, his State Executive expended a sum of N5Million
on total re-roofing of the union's event center at Obada-oko in order to boost internally generation revenue (IGR) for the union after an heavy rainfall wrecked havoc on the centre 

The NASU Chairman stated that an in-house training was organised by TESCOM for all Non Teaching staff in the clerical cadre  to improve their performance and input in work schedules.

Oduneye said other achievement are regular remittance of an agreed amount out of the N300 Branch support to Units since August, 2023 for ease of Unit administration, provision of incentive, in form of palliative since November, 2023 to provide succour to secretariat staff, saying the gesture is a ploy to motivate them to work hard as they are very key to the success of the union,  He added that the induction of units officers is not left out.

According to him "The branch belief units own membership of the Union. When is properly organised, there will be less to be done at the branch. Not only that, NASU as a union is known for education of her members (officers) that's what make the union to be different among comity of trade unions in Nigeria.

The branch acted in line with the culture of the Union from Head Quarter to organize an induction programme for principal officers of the units on ways and manners to administer members at the grassroots". Comrade Oduneye said.

He said members have also been carried along on both NASU local and National programmes such as State Council Delegate Conference , trade Group Council Delegate Conference, National Quadrennial Delegate Conference, activities of NLC Ogun State Council, women Committee engagement among others.

Speaking on some of the challenges faced by the union, Comrade Oduneye pleaded with His Excellency to approve employment of a sizeable number of Non Teaching Staff alongside the Ogun Teach intern, as there are also vacancies in the Non Teaching Cadre across secondary school in the State as he solicited for the release of a utility vehicle for NASU, just as it done for other sister union in the education sector.

The Chairman affirmed that, cost of running the Union has been at the exponential rate with prices of things increasing on a daily basis as it is visible to the blind and louder enough to the deaf, stressing that offsetting inherited debts has been so uneasy for the leadership as well as coping with the current obligations has been a serious battle with paying of condolences to some members who are beriefed.

While felicitating with all Muslim members in the fasting season, the NASU president urged all Muslim brothers and sisters to utilized the grace of the ongoing Ramadan period to supplicate to Allah for the success of various struggle, particularly, the career progression, saying that the leadership has not and would not lose focus on the Union "advancement mantra'"

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