TWABPAN Warns Producers Of Sachette Water Against Alleged Violation Of NAFDAC Regulations, Threatens Legal Action - EDU-BIZNEWS


Thursday, January 11, 2024

TWABPAN Warns Producers Of Sachette Water Against Alleged Violation Of NAFDAC Regulations, Threatens Legal Action

Sachette water producers under the aegis of Table Water and Beverages Producers Association of Nigeria (TWABPAN) have warned some producers who are producing above the approved quantity of 50 Centilitres of a sachette of the product in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital to desist from such unwholesome practice or face legal action for alleged violation of regulations by National Agency for Food And Drug Administration And Control ( NAFDAC)

Chairman of  TWABPAN in Egba-Zone , Alhaji Lawon Sobiye, his vice, Elder Iyiola Komolafe and a member Sunday Sotunde who issued the warning in their separate interviews with Edu-Biznews on Thursday in Abeokuta, accused some sachette water producers of violating NAFDAC Regulations by producing sachette water above the approved quantity of 50 cl into the market

Most producers producing the approved quantity of 50 cl according to Sobiye, are being punished for complying strictly with NAFDAC Regulations while those who are short changing the Federal Government's agency are making huge profit from sales by producing 60cl 

"We members of TWABPAN have contacted Weigh and Measurements Department of NAFDAC, complaining about the violation of license approval given to these sachette water producers, we are still waiting for the outcome of  the agency findings ", he stated

The Zonal Chairman of the association urged NAFDAC to act quickly by ensuring that sachette water producers comply strictly with its approval of 50cl of quality water 

Similarly Vice Chairman of association in the zone, Elder Iyiola Komolafe said that TWABPAN would be left with no option than to take legal action against sachette water producers who allegedly violate the approval given by regulatory agency

He expressed concern that the sharp practices of some producers might forced many producers who are producing the approved quantity of 50 cl to shutdown their factories, because of very low patronage at the expenses of violators of the NAFDAC Regulations who are now making huge profit 

Komolafe warned against the socio-economic consequences of shutting down water factories as large employers of labour , saying there will be an  increase in the rate of unemployment in the state and the country at large which is capable of worsening the insecurity situation in Nigeria

Also speaking, a member of the association, Sunday Sotunde stressed the need for sachette water producers to comply strictly with Standard of Operations (SOP) as stated in the NAFDAC Regulations, by the producing the right quantity given in the operational license issued to the producers

He however cautioned consumers to be weary of buying such sachette water above 50cl, saying  some producers might be producing poor quality of water which is dangerous to the health of the people 

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