Ogun NUT Backs 65 Retirement Age For Teachers,Disagrees With ASUSS - EDU-BIZNEWS


Monday, January 25, 2021

Ogun NUT Backs 65 Retirement Age For Teachers,Disagrees With ASUSS

Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) has expressed strong backing for the 65 years retirement age for teachers in the country, in the proposed bill by the presidency, disagreeing with the position of the Academic Staff Union of Secondary Schools (ASUSS) in Ogun State who faulted age-limit. 

The State Chairman of ASUSS, Comrade  Akeem Lasisi had in an interview with Rockcity 101.9Fm, Abeokuta argued against the 65 years retirement age and 40 years  of service for teachers from its current 35 years, saying teachers at such age and years of service would not be productive or useful in the classrooms.

But  Secretary of the Ogun State wing of NUT, Comrade Samson Oyelere in an exclusive chat with Edu-Biznews on Monday in Abeokuta, faulted the ASUSS's position, insisting that the country needs the experience of such teachers who are still productive in classrooms, considering the increasing rate of teachers who retired from service without replacement.

"We have judges in courts, lecturers in the universities who are 65 years of age, why must we throw out our experienced teachers at that age from teaching profession, we need experienced  teachers in the classrooms"he stated 

The State NUT according to him, will always support the proposed age limit and extension of service because of the acute shortage of teachers in public schools. 

Oyelere also stressed the need to extend the years of teachers in service from the current 35 years to 40 years, to justify the huge Investment by government in the training of teachers .

"We need more years to serve Nigeria better and give back to the society, to justify government's huge Investment in training of teachers",he stated.

The State NUT Scrib however explained that the proposed bill is with proviso, as it allows teachers to willingly retire below the age of 65 or quit service before 40 years.

He added that the bill made provisions for incentive packages, including special salary scale for teachers as well as other allowances to create conducive working environment and attract best brains to the teaching profession. 

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