Safety Commission, Energy Board Bills Scale Through Second Reading In Ogun Assembly - EDU-BIZNEWS


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Safety Commission, Energy Board Bills Scale Through Second Reading In Ogun Assembly

Two bills providing legal frame work for the establishment of the Ogun State Safety Commission and the State Energy Board have scaled through second reading at the Ogun State House of Assembly .

The passage followed a seperate motion on the two bills  moved by Honourable Wahab Haruna and Deputy Majority Leader,Abdul Oladunjoye, seconded by Honourables Kemi Oduwole and Mrs Sikirat Ajibola respectively with the support of other lawmakers at the plenary presided over by the Speaker of the house, Right Honourable Olakunle Oluomo on Tuesday.

The lawmakers during their debate at the State House of Assembly complex  in Abeokuta,the state capital, explained  that the two bills were aimed at improving the State’s rank on the ease of doing business through proper coordination of a uniform safety guidelines as well as the provision of alternative power generation system towards achieving seamless access to electricity, especially in rural areas.

Opening the debate on the State Safety Commission Law, 2020, Sponsor, of the bill, Hon.Wahab Haruna as well as other members including  Kemi Oduwole and the Deputy Speaker, Dare Kadiri noted that the bill would help prevent safety-related hazards in homes and industries across the State.

The bill according to them , will set standard and ensure strict compliance to safety measures which will boost the State’s rank in the ease of doing business in the country. 

They explained that the proposed agency  would interface with investors on stipulated safety regulations expected of industries and other investments operating within the State.

On the State Energy Board Law, 2020, Honourables Abayomi Fasuwa, Atinuke Bello, Yusuf Adejojo and Abdul Oladunjoye expressed the need for a state-owned alternative power generating service to complement the existing electricity distribution company.

The proposed agency according to the Lawmakers, will ensure a seamless access to uninterrupted power supply to boost industrialization and operations of small, micro and medium scale enterprises in the State.

They added that the law which would institutionalize a board to effectively coordinate and supervise a State owned independent power plant, would equally improve rural electrification as it would be empowered to energize transformers in communities, while boosting skill acquisition, human capacity development and reduce the existing monopoly of the distribution companies.  

The  speaker in his response, acknowledged the submissions of members on the bills, consequently charged the two bills to the Committees on Environment, Energy, Oil, Gas and Water Resources as well as Works and Infrastructure for further legislative actions, with the stakeholders’ fora for the bills slated for Wednesday, 25th November, 2020.

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