NANS Sets For Protest On 2nd Of August Against Illegal Importation Of Arms In Ogun - EDU-BIZNEWS


Thursday, July 27, 2023

NANS Sets For Protest On 2nd Of August Against Illegal Importation Of Arms In Ogun

National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Ogun Axis in collaboration with National Association of Ogun State Students (NAOSS) has declared Wednesday next week,2nd of August, 2023 as National Action Day for protest against what the students movement described as unchecked inflow of arms and ammunitions through the country's land borders in the state 

Chairman of NANS Joint Campus Committee (Ogun Axis),Comrade Damilola Simeon Kehinde and that of NAOSS National President,Comrade Ogunrombi Gbemileke who made the declaration in a joint letter made available to Edu-Biznews on Thursday , accused some operatives of the Nigeria Customs Service, Ogun Area 1 Idi-Iroko Command of working with smugglers to illegally import arms and ammunitions into the country

The apex students body called for probe of activities of some operatives of the Customs Service responsible for  the alleged failure of the security agency to effectively combat the menace which has continued to threathen lives and property in Ogun State 

Edu-Biznews recalled that patrol team of the Nigerian Army during last week intercepted a truck load of  illegal arms which passed through the land border in Ogun State en route to a state in South East region of the country

The students who have resolved to continue protesting at the Ogun Area 1 Command of the Customs Service at Idi-Iroko border until their demands are met , also expressed concern over 
the last Wednesday alleged killing of an innocent Nigerian by a stray bullet during chasing of smugglers by customs operatives in Yewa Axis of the state 

NANS calling for adequate protection of the police, Nigerian Army and Department of Security Service (DSS) to ensure unhindered peaceful demonstration,  demanded the immediate reshuffling of officers at the Ogun Area 1 Command of the Customs Service to effectively checkmate the illicit trade of arms Importation into the country

The letter reads in part:"We, the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Ogun Axis and the National Association of Ogun State Students (NAOSS) National, hereby reemphasize our unwavering stance against the unchecked inflow of arms and ammunitions through Nigeria's land borders. The failure of the Nigeria Customs Services, Ogun Area 1 Command, to curb this illicit trade is a grave concern for the security and well-being of our nation."

"In light of the grave situation at hand, we declare August 2nd, 2023, as the National Action Day for Protest. On this day, we call upon all NANS and NAOSS Comrades, Senators, Leaders, and Stakeholders to converge at the headquarters of Nigeria Customs Service, Ogun Area 1 Command. Our protest will be peaceful, but firm, and it shall continue indefinitely until our demands are met"

"We are deeply disturbed by the devilish collaboration between the Customs and smugglers to threaten and harm Nigerian student leaders in response to our planned protest. It is truly embarrassing that a federal government agency would engage in such unlawful activities with smugglers they are supposed to combat. This blatant display of corruption and irresponsibility further exposes the Nigeria Customs Service, Ogun Area 1 Command's impotence and unwillingness to perform their duties"

"It is evident that the NCS have become business partners with the smugglers, where illegal ammunitions are brought in, and passage is granted after bribes are paid. We are not surprised by this revelation, and it only strengthens our resolve to fight for the safety and security of our fellow citizens"

"We firmly reiterate that the collective safety and security of Nigerians remain our utmost priority, and we will not be deterred by threats from hooligans and ruffians who are acting on behalf of the Ogun Area 1 Command of the Nigerian Customs"

"Earlier today(Wednesday), we received an alarming incident involving the alleged shooting of an innocent citizen during an unprofessional pursuit of smugglers by Nigeria Customs Service officers highlights the urgent need for reform within the agency. We are deeply troubled by the alleged collusion between Customs officers and smugglers, compromising the safety of our citizens and undermining the integrity of our nation"

"To ensure the safety and success of our protest, we call upon the Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Army, Department of State Services, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, and other security agencies to provide adequate security during our peaceful protest at the Customs headquarters. We seek their assistance in ensuring that the protest proceeds without any hindrance"

"Furthermore, we demand the immediate and compulsory reshuffling, redeployment, and auditing of officers within the Nigeria Customs Service, Ogun Area 1 Command. Those found to be colluding with smugglers must be probed, flushed out, and held accountable for their actions. The appointment of credible, hardworking, and committed individuals who prioritize the nation's safety over any other consideration is imperative"

"If the Ogun Area 1 Command proves incapable of securing the highly porous land borders, we propose that it be placed under the authority of the Nigerian Army and the DSS or be completely dissolved, ensuring that the responsibility for safeguarding the land borders falls squarely on the Nigerian Army and the DSS"

"Comrades, this is a crucial moment in our nation's history, and we must stand together in unity and resilience. Let us not be swayed or cowered into submission; our demands are just, and we shall continue to protest peacefully until they are met", the join students movement stated 

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