Vandrezzer Make U-Turn, Return To NNL - EDU-BIZNEWS


Friday, April 30, 2021

Vandrezzer Make U-Turn, Return To NNL

Vandrezzer FC have announced its return to the second tier Nigeria National League(NNL) after initially withdrawing from the league midway into the season.

Edu-Biznews recalled that Vandrezzer on April 15, announced its decision to quit the league, citing unfair treatment by the NNL as one of the reasons they opted out of the league

But the Lagos-based side announced the reversal of its earlier decision  to pull out from the NNL, following a meeting between the club and the league body in Abuja on Wednesday.

Vandrezzer in a statement on its website, explained that both sides agreed to put behind past differences and seek avenues to work together.

“NNL is a progressive body and welcomes ideas that will help market the league to the outside world as long as it does not impede on their rules and regulations,"the statement stated

According to Vandrezzer,“NNL re-affirmed its directives to all clubs to use their available broadcast mechanism to cover their home and away matches.  Any club that hinders, prohibits or causes any delays in the live streaming of their home and away matches, would be fined as stated in an earlier correspondence to the clubs".

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