OGIRS Kick Starts Automated Payment Of Taxes - EDU-BIZNEWS


Thursday, January 14, 2021

OGIRS Kick Starts Automated Payment Of Taxes

Ogun State Internal Revenue Service (OGIRS) has kicked start the automation of its process, aimed at stream-lining payment of taxes to shore up the revenue generation of the state.

The revenue agency has created a self-service portal for employers of labour and self-employed individuals, to file in their annual returns online, within the comfort of their offices and homes.

The Executive Chairman of OGIRS, Mr. Anthony Olaleye who announced this in a statement, explained that employers of labour were expected to file returns of taxes deducted annually from their employees for the preceding year to the State government, as stated in the law of Personal Income Tax Act of 2011 and 2002 PAYE Regulations.

According to him, this was done earlier with a lot of paperwork and physical presence of taxpayers, but the new method would reduce stress and quicken the process of filing the annual Returns, as it drives itself automatically, block leakages and encourage transparency.

It would be recalled that Mr. Olaleye while defending the agency's 2021 budget before the State House of Assembly Committee on Finance and Appropriation, said the agency's activities would be driven automatically with the best technology in place, saying to achieve a positive result, things have to be done differently.

In the same vein, the Director, Other Taxes in the agency, Mrs. Olubisi Ajomale, earlier, said the automation would soon be extended to road taxes unit where data could be uploaded on a platform by officers to detect fake or duplicated number plate.

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