Jan.18 Schools Resumption Date Not Changed Yet-PTF - EDU-BIZNEWS


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Jan.18 Schools Resumption Date Not Changed Yet-PTF

PTF Coordinator,Dr.Sani Aliyu

The Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 has clarified that  the January 18 resumption date for schools in Nigeria, remains unchanged.

National Coordinator of the Task Force, Dr Sani Aliyu, made the clarification on Tuesday,  while featuring on a television programme.

Edu-Biznews recalled that the Minister of Education, Mallam Adamu Adamu, was widely quoted in the media on Monday as saying, the January 18 date for schools resumption is not sacrosanct but subject to review, considering the high rate of coronavirus cases in the second wave of the pandemic in the country.

But Aliyu explained that the Minister of Education did not say the date had been changed or postponed indefinitely.

According to him,“What the minister said was that they were going to review the date; he didn’t say that they were going to change".

The PTF National Co-ordinator further explained  that the minister said the situation would only be reviewed and did not say the date for schools resumption has been changed.

His words,“He said they would review the situatihon and let the nation know. So, for the moment, it is still 18th January until the Ministry of Education comes back either with an alternative date or reconfirms that.”

Aliyu added that  Nigerians would determine the imposition of a fresh lockdown base on  their level of compliance or non-compliance with COVID-19 protocols.

He quickly made it clear that  no decision had been taken on whether a fresh lockdown would be imposed or not

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