Strike Looms In Ogun Water Corporation Over Unpaid Three Months Salaries - EDU-BIZNEWS


Monday, November 16, 2020

Strike Looms In Ogun Water Corporation Over Unpaid Three Months Salaries

Strike is looming in the Ogun State Water Corporation, as workers groaned over unpaid salaries running into three months.

Edu-Biznews learnt that leadership of the workers' union at the Water Corporation had issued a Seven-day ultimatum to the governor in Abeokuta, on Monday ,to clear the outstanding salaries to the workers for the months of August, September and October.

Edu-Biznews also gathered from a reliable source that the Dapo Abiodun's administration is worried over the huge wage bill of the corporation and had ordered for verification of workers, to detect likely Ghost workers within the system 

The verification excercise was expected to have completed last week by the relevant agency tasked by the government to carry out the responsibility, to enable workers get their cumulative salaries.

But the workers are still  in darkness over the outcome of the verification excercise, as government continued to hold on to their salaries.

The continuous silence of the government on the outcome of the verification excercise, had forced the labour leaders at the corporation to meet and fine-tune their next strategy, by issuing the ultimatum to the governor to compel his administration to clear the outstanding salaries to workers .

The State Water Corporation has been struggling to supply its esteem customers water, because of serious damage done to the corporation's under ground pipelines during the roads re-construction by the immediate past Ibikunle Amosun admnistration who did not make effort to provide replacement for the damaged pipelines by the contractors or  relay them in the affected areas in Abeokuta, the state capital and other major towns of Sagamu, Ijebuode and Ota. 

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