Ogun League Of Imams Decries Alleged Pastor's Attack On Alfa In Iseyi, Says It Is Targeted At Muslim Community - EDU-BIZNEWS


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Ogun League Of Imams Decries Alleged Pastor's Attack On Alfa In Iseyi, Says It Is Targeted At Muslim Community


League of Imams and Alfas, in Ogun State has decried  an alleged attack on Alfa
Sulaiman Abdul Azeez and his family members by Pastor Busari Stephen and his cohorts in Iseyin, Oyo State.

The Association's Grand Chief, Shaykh
Sikirullahi Babalola described the attack in a statement as  a "targeted aggression and violence against Alfa Sulaiman and the Muslim community in Iseyin," expressing shock over the attack and "strongly condemn such act 

The alleged attack which was said to have happened on last Ileya Festival on Sunday, June, 16, 2024, was  "orchestrated by Pastor Busari Stephen." Though, the detail of the attack was not clearly stated, 

Shaykh Babalola, said similar attack was launched against the victim last year December, 2023 by some "individuals wearing Nigerian Army uniforms at the
instance of the pastor,'"
"The President General of the Ogun state League of Imams and Alfas, Shaykh
Sikirullahi Babalola, the Grand Chief Imams of the zones, and the Ogun Muslim
community was shocked by the news  and strongly condemn the attack on Alfa
Sulaiman Abdul Azeez, his two wives, his mother, and other family members by Pastor Busari Stephen and his cohorts in Iseyin during the last Ileya festival on Sunday, June16, 2024.

"This horrific attack was reportedly not the first of its kind to be orchestrated by Pastor Busari Stephen, there was indeed a previous incident in December 2023 when Alfa Sulaiman was unlawfully detained by individuals wearing Nigerian Army uniforms at the instance of the pastor", he stated 

"The incidents demonstrate a pattern of targeted aggression and
violence against Alfa Sulaiman and maybe, the Muslim community in Iseyin."

The Ogun State League of Imams and Alfas, called on the authorities at all levels to take immediate and decisive actions on what it also described as "impunity" to ensure justice for Alfa Sulaiman Abdul Azeez and his family.

"The Ogun State League of Imams and Alfas, on behalf of Ummah, hereby calls
on the authorities at all levels to take immediate and decisive actions to ensure justice for Alfa Sulaiman Abdul Azeez and his family, the group insisted 

The league of imams stressed the urgent need by security operatives and relevant government's agencies to fish out those behind the unholy act and deal with them decisively to prevent possible reprisal attack and break down of peace , law and order in the community 

"This is the only way to expunge impunity
from our national psyche. The perpetrators of such an act should be fished out and
brought to justice without delay. Such acts of violence and intimidation are wicked,
inhuman and callous, unacceptable and must be addressed promptly to maintain the prevailing peace and harmony in our communities'

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