SSANU, Others Threaten A Week Warning Strike In Varsities Over Non-payment Of Withheld 4 Months Salaries - EDU-BIZNEWS


Monday, March 11, 2024

SSANU, Others Threaten A Week Warning Strike In Varsities Over Non-payment Of Withheld 4 Months Salaries

The various non-academic staff unions, including the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU)  have threatened to embark on a one week warning in public universities in the country, if the Federal Government fails to pay the four months Withheld salaries of their members just as the Joint Action Committee of the unions condemned what it described as discriminatory practices of some government's agencies which ensured payment of only withheld four months Salaries of members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) 

National President of SSANU, Comrade Mohammed Haruna Ibrahim announced the warning strike to newsmen on Monday in a communique issued at the end of the  47th Regular National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held at the Federal University of Technology (FUTA) in Akure, the Ondo State capital

SSANU claimed that the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's directive was for the payment of the four months Salaries of the both academic and non-academic staff whose salaries were  withheld by the immediate past administration of Mohammedu Buhari  for the involvement of the unions members in  the prolonged strive action which paralyzed activities in public university system in the country

 "The National Executive Council (NEC) in session seriously frowns at the latest action of Government which excluded SSANU and other non-teaching University based unions from the payment of the four months withheld salaries arising from the nationwide strike action embarked upon by all unions in our public Universities. While SSANU is not averse to the payment of the withheld salary to our sister union ASUU, it however views this action as a clear violation and breach of the post-strike agreement with Government on non-victimisation of our members who participated in the strike. We strongly oppose this discriminatory practice which we view as Government's open invitation to industrial crisis. Credible information available to us has it that the directive of Mr. President is for all University-based unions to be paid four months’ salary. NEC therefore suspects saboteurs in this government bent on destabilizing and destroying the good intent of Mr. President towards sustaining industrial peace in the University system. NEC in session therefore calls on the relevant authorities of Government to immediately implement the directive of Mr. President by paying our members the four months withheld salaries, failing which NEC has approved a One week warning strike in conjunction with our sister Union in JAC, NASU", the unions warned 

They are also demanding for the immediate implementation of both 25 and 35 percent wage award agreed with organized labour which according to them, is yet to reflect in the salary structure of members contrary to the circular issued last September, 2023 by the 
National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission

"It is however sad to note that over six months after, this wage award has not been implemented in the monthly salaries of our members even though the sum of 100Billion naira was provided for in the budget for that purpose"

SSANU and other non-academic staff unions are also calling on government to expedite action on the new minimum wage being proposed, saying the current wage  had been rendered useless by hyperinflation currently ravaging the country 

The unions are also demanding for reconstitution of another committee to renegotiate the 2009 agreement with the Federal Government by the joint unions since the former Chairman of the Re-negotiating team of government, Emeritus Prof. Nimi Briggs had passed on 

They are equally demanding for immediate payments of Earned Allowances as approved by the government 

"We are aware that the sum of N50B (Billion naira) was appropriated in the 2023 budget for this purpose. NEC therefore calls on Government to as a matter of urgency release the already appropriated funds for payment of Earned Allowances to our members to avert any industrial disharmony in the University system", the unions submitted 

The leadership of the unions expressed concern that members in some public universities are yet to collect arrears of the current minimum wage as agreed in 2018 

They called for increase funding of public universities to avoid unnecessary strike in the university system while demanding for more injection of fund to properly equip security agencies to tackle the disturbing trend of insecurity in the country

SSANU asked government to reconstitute members of governing Councils for various public universities to checkmate what it described as excesses of some of the Vice-Chancellors in the running of the university system in the country while calling for implementing sound policies that will address the depreciating value of naira and reposition the economy through creation of conducive  environment to reduce unemployment rate and encourage growth of businesses  

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